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Bridal Registry

Bride: Erin Casey

Groom: Alex Barengo


Wedding Date: June 19, 2018

If you're interested in purchasing any of the below items for the bride and groom you may do so in person at The Cook's Shop or just give us a call and we can handle your request over the phone. We would be happy to wrap and localy deliver your gift. Should we have to ship an item we will do so and only bill you exact shipping from USPS. Please note: items in red have been purchased at this point in time.


      Item Description (quantity), #SKU, Cost Each




        USA Pan Half-Sheet/ Rack Set (1), #13905, $37.95

        USA Pan 13”x18” Sheet Pan (1), #3251, #24.95

        USA Pan Medium Loaf Pan (1), #3260, $16.95

        USA Pan Baking Rack 17"x11.5" (1), #13908, $14.95

        USA Pan 9"x9" Baking Pan (1), #6682, $19.95




        CDN Combo Probe Thermometer (1), #6890, $24.99

        CDN Proacurate Quick Read Thermometer (1), #6896, $14.99

        Microplane Red Zester (1), #11888, #15.99

        Chef’N Walnut Scraper (1), #15288, $14.95

        Chef’N Wide Walnut Spoon (1), #15286, $14.95

        Chef’N Narrow Walnut Spoon (1), #15287, $14.95

        Best 14” Hi-Flex Turner (1), #9333, $9.95

        Best Blunt Perforated Spoon (1), #9330, $8.75

        Best Waffle Head Masher (1), #9315, $12.99

        HIC Stainless 3 Cup Sifter (1), #3816, $9.95

        RSVP Stainless Measuring Cups (1), #5008, $34.50

        RSVP Stainless Spice Spoons (1), #5007, $14.99

        Tovolo Pastry Mat (1), #10092, $19.99


Table Top

        BIA 15” Oval Platter (1), #14550, $29.95

        BIA 17” Oval Platter (1), #14551, $24.50

        Chantal Butter Dish White (1), #8987, $19.95 

        Zwilling/ Henckels 35 Piece VINTAGE 1876 Flatware (2), #14772, $129.99 each

        Le Creuset Traditional White Tea Pot (1), #PG0328-0016, $40, must be ordered


Cutting Boards

        Catskill Craftsmen 19”x13” Cutting Board (1), #9520, $21.99

        Epicurean Nutmeg 15”x11” Cutting Board (1), #3658, $24.99

        Epicurean Nutmeg 12”x9” Cutting Board (1), #3657, $19.99

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